Windows 8 x64 Blackburn v3 + Activator is Here !


Windows 8 x64 Blackburn v3

The Windows 8 has all the owsum features we need. In my opinion it is better than windows 8.1 . It is an operating system from Microsoft, for use on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, tablets, media center PCs. Continue reading

How to Enable Hibernate In Windows 8/8.1

Lot of Things Changed in Windows 8 as Compared to Windows 7, Start Screen Was One of the Addition to Windows 8, Have a look at 5 Ways to Customize Windows 8 Start screen , And Couple of things have Even Disappeared From Windows 8 like Start Button and Hibernate Option. Probably the Reason Microsoft Disabled Hibernate option is Because Windows 8  Boots up and Shuts down Faster then The Older Versions. But if you Wish to Enable Hibernate In Windows 8 then Continue Reading…

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